Saturday, April 18, 2009

Survival of the fittest

IP5280 is in the process of lighting up customers that have been turned off by another failed VoIP provider. This economy is tough, but if you do it right, this is a great time to grow a VoIP business. Opportunity is everywhere!

We are saving companies money, therefore, saving jobs. If you are in business today, you have to look at converting to VoIP.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Skype IPO

This will be interesting and should accelerate the focus on VoIP from non-industry types. There has been some great momentum building in this space and we believe there will be much more focus on the desktop and integration. We here at IP5280 Communications are witnessing a tremendous need from our customers and prospects in this area. They need help in the LAN, desktop support and consultation services.

Metr0-E networks has stepped up to fill this gap. Check them out at

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

VoIP over WiMax

The areas were the cell providers will lose the most traffic, are the dense metros where wireless is everywhere. I watch my kids now on their I-Touch devices utilizing messaging all over the place. Those messages where traditionally launched from cell phones. The landscape is changing fast!!!